Wednesday, June 5, 2013

August 2012

As I've previously let on, I had fallen in Love with this pup since the moment I saw him, but I'm a foster.  That's what we do, we see through the scab's, worms, fleas, un-potty trained puppy, with digestion issues and we see this gorgeous, funny plump little puppy that will someday make a family so very happy. 

See I have 2 dog's in addition to my fosters.  2 babies I should say, well that's what they are to me at least.  Gypsy and Stella are my world and now I have to try to wrap my head around the fact that Buddy will be someone else's world, even though he is already that with us.

Gypsy was so attached, she thought he was her puppy.  He could do no wrong by her.  He could sit on her, chew on her, it doesn't matter. 

Stella, on the other hand thought he was fun to chase, that is Stella's favorite game. 

So now, the dreaded day has come, not one, not two but MULTIPLE applications for this cutie.  Everyone just waiting to adopt him, waiting for the exact moment he was available and they were going to snatch him up!  I have to admit that while this gives me mostly anxiety and brings instant tears to my eyes, it is also a wonderful feeling that everyone finds him to be as adorable as I do. 

Now the most important part, finding the "right" home. 

This is a picture of Buddy and I playing before his very first adoption event. 
Taking in every minute with this cutie pie before he goes to his first event.

Riding in the car on the way to his first event.  he got sick in the car 3 times.. :(

After the was SO HOT that day and he had multiple families come to see him so he was so happy to be back in the car(air conditioned) and taking a nap.

As I mentioned there were a few folks who had already submitted application and a few folks who submitted applications on the day of Buddy's first event.  For one reason or another over the month of August we would get interest, and then nothing.  The weirdest thing..

After that event where it was well over a hundred degree's outside and we all almost melted we decided to hold off on events until a big surf city event in September.  This gave me a tiny shred of relief as I got a little longer with my Buddy.